Logix Platform April 2022 release

Logistics Dashboard

A logistics dashboard allows monitoring and reporting on important logistics KPIs concerning business, pick up and delivery. The dashboard will provide you the complete visibility of your day to day activities. It shows you stats related to the Pickup, Delivery, Failed Delivery along with the live shipment inventory within the Hub/Warehouse. This helps you to save time and allows you to focus on your core business. 

Key Metrics Visible on the Dashboard : 

1) Waybill Count For Today : Waybill Created, Waybill Amount & Waybill Weight.
2) Delivery Stats for Today  : Delivered, Out for Delivery, Rescheduled, Undelivered, RTO, RTO Delivered.
3) Delivery Attempt Success Count  : 1st, 2nd & 3rd Delivery Attempt.

4) Waybills at Warehouse Stock : Status At Origin, At Warehouse, RTO, Un Delivered.
5) Service Wise Business: For example : Express, Cargo, By Bus, LTL, Express, Long Haul etc.
6) Pick Up Request For Today : Available, Assigned & Picked Status.